Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Painting #1: Groovy Tulips

Wow.  What a roller coaster it has been to come to a close on this.  I didn't like it, then I loved it, and THEN I ended up hating it.  I have battled tears, negative thoughts in my head, and been frustrated beyond all measure because I couldn't see the picture well enough to paint from.  What's that, you say?  Isn't this supposed to be a still life?  Well.. yes.  It started out that way.  But when the flowers are dying and one is nowhere near done, then pictures must be taken and then the complications begin.  Here is what I liked and didn't like about this:
- the colors
- the funkiness of it
- the composition
- that one son said he liked it
- and the other said, after looking at it,
- "Mom, the 70s called...they want their painting back!"

Oh, where do I begin?
- that it took me too long.  I need to limit myself timewise
- most of the tulips are terrible
- not enough variation in the greens (too much sap green, I think)
- bad reflections
- no shadows...even though there weren't any
- bad rendering of the glass vase
- that it's really not done (!) - the greenery, that is, and the tulips aren't fixed

So?  What am I going to do differently on Picture #2?
- limit myself timewise (that's easy)
- simplify my composition
- paint from life, not from a computer screen
- do a thumbnail and value sketches 1st
- switch to oils?  Hmmm... maybe now is the time.:)
'Til next time!

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