Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Disappearing Sunflower, 6x6 oil on panel

Have you ever worked hard on a task or project, only to fall flat on your face?  Well, that was me today.  I finally had a chance to paint, so I grabbed a sunflower, got out my paints, and started.  I think there's something to be said for enjoying what you do.  At the beginning, when I was blocking in the shapes with transparent oils and medium, I was enjoying it.  As I started to outline my shapes with the Kemper Wipe Out Tool, I began to stress.  I felt I was getting too nit picky.  I ended up losing the leaves, the vase, and became more and more unhappy with it.  Now it's just a funky sunflower floating in front of a sad background.  Actually, it's not.  It's no longer on the panel.  This was my first "wiper" and I'm glad I did.  Onward and upward!  It was a good learning experience.  Stay tuned!

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